Drum Roll Please...!

Wyatt and I have finally made a decision.  After returning from the Philippines on Feb. 3, we spent the next week praying and processing all that we had experienced in both South Africa and the Philippines.  It came down to God's absolute peace and confirmation in our hearts.
God is calling to serve in the Philippines!

Thank you for your faithful prayers throughout this journey.  God, truly, only gives us what we can handle.  If God had told us 10 years ago that He wanted us to move our family to the islands off the coast of Korea/China, we probably would not have been ready to receive that direction. We realize that God is just beginning to reveal His plan in little steps.  All along though, He has whispered that he wants our willingness and obedience.  His plan is so very large.  I can't even fathom....

How are you saying Yes this year?  Not sure what you could possibly do... God says "anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing" (John 14:12)

Counting Down

As of today we have 20 days until departure for the Philippines. We heard from our dear friends, Rubin and Bo Kim, who we met this summer at OC training. They are missionaries with OC who have decided to go serve with the southern OC team in Davao city (island of Mindinao). They are coming to Kansas City (from CA) for a conference and we are getting together with them on Jan. 16. Back in late fall, they took their family to the Philippines to finalize which team they will work with. We can't wait to reconnect and hear about their trip, We will leave 10 days later. Yeah!

Upcoming Philippines trip

Wyatt and I will be traveling to the Philippines January 26th -February 3rd.  We will spend a few days in Manila and a few in Davao visiting the teams and praying about serving there. Although the flooding won't be like this (in Cainta), much of the damage will still be evident.  When we will return we pray for God's peace to rest with us as we seek to follow His will in choosing between South Africa and the Philippines.

About the Philippines
Language: The official language is Filipino, although English is widely used.  Tagolog is the most predominant of the dialects used on the islands.

Estimated Population: 92 Million  (12th most populated country)

Ortigas Bridge in Oct. 2009

There are 7,107 Philippine islands.

Climate: Tropical with 2 seasons: wet (June to October) and dry (November to May).  The average temperature is 81degrees Farenheit.

Religion: 90% are Christians. While predominately Roman Catholic (80%), 10% are other Christian faiths, and between 5-10% are Muslim (in Mindinao)

Fun Facts:
1. Karaoke is a Filipino invention, not Japanese.  Karaoke meaning "singing without accompaniment" in japanese was invented by Roberto del Rosario.  He called his system "sing-along system", which was later called karaoke.
2. Philippines is the "Text capital of the world".  350-400 million text messages are sent daily. That's more than the US and Europe combined.

Manila at night