Drum Roll Please...!

Wyatt and I have finally made a decision.  After returning from the Philippines on Feb. 3, we spent the next week praying and processing all that we had experienced in both South Africa and the Philippines.  It came down to God's absolute peace and confirmation in our hearts.
God is calling to serve in the Philippines!

Thank you for your faithful prayers throughout this journey.  God, truly, only gives us what we can handle.  If God had told us 10 years ago that He wanted us to move our family to the islands off the coast of Korea/China, we probably would not have been ready to receive that direction. We realize that God is just beginning to reveal His plan in little steps.  All along though, He has whispered that he wants our willingness and obedience.  His plan is so very large.  I can't even fathom....

How are you saying Yes this year?  Not sure what you could possibly do... God says "anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing" (John 14:12)